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Date   : Fri, 21 Aug 2009 18:16:19 +0100
From   : dllm@... (Dave Moore)
Subject: Econet Island (+plea for more ticket orders!)

From: Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
> On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 11:52:35 +0100, Ian Stocks <bbcmicro@...>
> wrote:
> > Someone needs to start picking what gets shown, permanantly or on a rota
> > basis.
> Yes. I'd suggest Dave does this.

Ok, I've had a think and would like to propose that during the first six hours
hours of the show (Saturday, 11am-5pm) we adopt the following setup, which
focuses on variety not quantity:

So that's:

- 3 x BBC Bs, for CAVER
... running on an isolated network (MDFS?)

- a BBC Master, used to demonstrate Econet syntax and functions, to general
- a BBC B or B+, for administration
- a BBC B, for games and competitions
- an A3020, for loading games and 32-bit apps
- an Acorn Atom
... utilising a maximum of two fileservers (to increase the chances of the
network staying robust).

Ideally, we would set everything up on the Friday afternoon/evening (which
means between 9am and 11am on the Saturday, all we should need to do in theory
is spend a couple of hours testing everything out).

Then, when the crowd starts to thin out (which I'd estimate to be 5pm) through
to closing time (11pm) - well, that's 'freak out' time. Hook as many machines
up as you want, bridge all the fileservers, wires all over the place ...
create general havoc. 

By close of play on Saturday night, we should have a good idea of how
'ambitious' we can be on the Sunday, with regards to presenting a more complex
setup (more stations, more bridging, hook up the machines on the
Sprow/RetroClinic/Viewdata tables etc) ... whilst maintaining a neat and tidy
appearance, naturally! ;)

I also think on Saturday, Rob should isolate his AUN network and his BBS setup
(Rob, if you take: the space above and below your table, and the space below
the Domesday table, do you think you'll be able to make do without needing to
encroach onto the Econet Island? Another tip: if you use Cub monitors [which
have flat upper surfaces] you can plonk a BeebEm lappy on top of each one). 

Oh, and let's drop the idea of hiring additional tables. If we wanted to go
for some kind of 'world record' for largest active Econet, then it would've
been better to simply hire another conference room at the hotel; however, at
the moment, I wouldn't be at all keen on the idea of shifting people out of
the main Acorn room, as it could end up looking very empty indeed.

Speaking of which, may I ask if there's anybody else on the list who's
thinking of coming, but has yet to indicate their intentions? I've
deliberately allocated the majority of space to hardware exhibits (as opposed
to games) but the current take-up from Mailing List subscribers in terms of
ticket sales is quite disappointing (the demand is outnumbered by
approximately 3-1 from members of the STH Games forum!). 

I know that the staging of events any further north than Watford automatically
rules out 95% of the southern contingent ;) (note winky smiley) but surely the
location must be in the vicinity of many other members? Or are the majority of
ML subscribers happy to read and sometimes contribute towards Beeb
discussions, but consider the idea of attending an actual meet-up out of the
question? (I suppose another factor will be the current economic situation ...
ticket + hotel + spending money + travel all adds up).

Anyway ... hopefully a few more ticket orders from ML members will be
forthcoming over the next few weeks. :)

Finally, myself, Joel and the Retro Reunited organiser will be visiting the
venue on Sunday morning, to make sure that the floor-plans are definitely
workable (the hotel have already given us their assurances that they are, but
I'd like to see if there's an opportunity to squeeze some more tables in
there). So if anybody reading is willing to lend a hand this Sunday, please
contact me off-list.

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