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Date   : Sat, 22 Aug 2009 02:32:41 +0200
From   : rick@... (Rick Murray)
Subject: Level 4 FS Y2K query

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:

> My Arthur PRMs (!) and RISC OS 2 PRMs are filled with annotations
> fixing documentation errors.

Ooooh yes, they were a fun read!

I particularly liked the bit about serious programmers would be wanting 
to write their applications in assembler, and recommending they should 
implement them as modules.

Did Acorn *ever* fix the RMA screwups?

Best wishes,


Rick Murray, eeePC901 & ADSL WiFI'd into it, all ETLAs!
BBC B: DNFS, 2 x 5.25" floppies, EPROM prog, Acorn TTX
E01S FileStore, A3000/A5000/RiscPC/various PCs/blahblah...
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