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Date   : Sat, 22 Aug 2009 19:11:03 +0100
From   : mfirth@... (Michael Firth)
Subject: Econet Island (+plea for more ticket orders!)

Rick Murray wrote:
> Firth,MJC,Michael,DMJ7 R wrote:
>> As the Arc fileservers are multi-tasking, it is possible for the same
>> A3020 to be a server and a client.
>> Hence we could set your A3020 up to access stuff from mine (or
>> another FS) and/or vice-versa.
> Does Level4 poll or IRQ? IIRC it polls, as does awServer. This will 
> limit what you can do as a client when running a server - no full-screen 
> games (or emulators). No lengthy print jobs. Basically no switching away 
> from normal desktop operations.
> The you can at least play "The Wimp Game", if anybody actually wants to 
> admit to forking out cash for it!
Good point, I hadn't thought about the fact that Arc games would want to 
take the system over
more than the usual desktop apps.

At least Minesweeper runs in parallel with the L4 FS, because I've done 
it :-)
> BTW, your user name is your emails appears as "Firth,MJC,Michael,DMJ7 
> R". DMJ7R? Radio callsign? Plane indent?
Nothing so exotic, I'm afraid, its just a code for the part of BT I work 
in. I thought they stripped it off when sending externally, but I guess not.


> Best wishes,
> Rick.
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