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Date   : Tue, 25 Aug 2009 01:13:51 +0100
From   : dllm@... (Dave Moore)
Subject: Acorn World @ Retro Reunited: Revised Floor-plan


Have noted everybody's comments/concerns re: the cramped layout and have made
some fundamental changes to the floorplan, which results in significantly more
space between and around most stalls:

Also, in order to satisfy the clear demand for additional Econet stations, I
propose that we create a secondary Econet area in the lobby (which is between
the two suites) in place of the "Acorn Through The Ages" exhibit:

With reference to the above images, you can see that I was able to fit 3 x 6ft
and 2 x 4ft tables into the available space (and you'd be able to slot another
6 footer against the far wall, too). So that should be plenty of room.

The 'Econet Island' (inside the Emley Suite) would be maintained, however, it
would only contain one fileserver and 4 x Beebs (three for Caver, one for
general admin and demonstrations). Though I am still looking for someone to
volunteer a Caver setup!

The 'homebrew programmers area' is no more, but the coders can just commandeer
one of the [newly reinstated] 'chill out' tables next to the bar, and rig
their laptops up there.

Anyway, I'm confident that this new, spacious layout - coupled with the
introduction of the [external] Econet area - should provide ample space for
all attendees to enjoy the Acorn show in comfort.

Lastly, please bear in mind that the cost of hiring the extra space plus
associated expenses (van hire, guest hotel rooms/meals etc) are being covered
entirely by myself and Gary Forrest (provider of web space for STH). We don't
receive anything from ticket sales, as that goes into the Retro Reunited pot.
But if folks want a bigger venue then you are of course more than welcome to
hire out the Olympia for the next Beeb meet. :P

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