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Date   : Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:19:19 +0100
From   : pete@... (Pete Turnbull)
Subject: Leccy @ Acorn World '09

On 13/09/2009 20:37, Phil Blundell wrote:

>> (somebody wrote)

>>> For example the 17th
>>> edition also introduced mandatory RCD protection for all sockets

> Generally yes, it would be in the consumer unit.  The regs don't mandate
> this specifically, but providing a single RCD to protect the whole
> circuit would obviously be cheaper than providing local RCDs at every
> socket-outlet.  Also, the new regulations require the circuit cable
> itself to be RCD-protected under some circumstances (eg when buried in
> cable without mechanical protection) and obviously this requires the RCD
> to be situated upstream of the cable in question.

I know about the cable protection, but I didn't think RCD protection was 
mandatory for *all* sockets -- I thought there were still exemptions for 
  workshops, even when part of domestic premises (and there are 
certainly exceptions for non-domestic premises).

Pete                                           Peter Turnbull
                                               Network Manager
                                               University of York
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