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Date   : Mon, 14 Sep 2009 09:54:32 +0100
From   : darren.grant@... (Darren Grant)
Subject: Leccy @ Acorn World '09

On 13/09/2009 23:58, "Jonathan Graham Harston" <jgh@...>
> Yes, and do floodlights really make a strange loud clunking noise
> when they turn on?
They do actually because you can't use an ordinary light switch to switch
thousands of watts of lighting so usually there will be a solenoid activated
switching unit. Think giant relay, so you can use a sensible sized switch to
control the solenoid and they do make quite a loud clonking noise when they
switch, at least the old ones do anyway.

But computers DON'T make those stupid buzzzz beeeep beeerrr noises when
displaying something on the screen, stupid stupid idiotic film makers !!
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