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Date   : Mon, 14 Sep 2009 11:45:47 +0100
From   : acorn@... (Andy Ford)
Subject: Mouldy beebs!

me@... wrote:
> On a slightly related note, what's the best way to clean the *outside*  
> of a beeb, and the keyboard?
> I now wish I'd given my B+ a more thorough scrub before Steve signed  
> it, but oh well. :)
What I've always done regarding cases...

Remove PCB / Keyboard / Power Supply etc.

Fill bowl ( kitchen sink ideal actually ;) ) with warmish water, say 
about 40c, with a little washing up liquid, not too much.

Soak case half's for a few minutes then gently scrub (in the water) with 
a brush. A nail brush may be ideal or a small scrubbing brush but not a 
really stiff one.

You may want to not do this to the perspex strip as it may scratch too 

At this stage, I would remove all the keytops and put them into the 
water too, leaving them for a a few minutes (I suppose its easier to put 
them in first actually) , then remove and scrub them a little bit if 
needed. This part is by far the most time consuming bit.

I did a Master about a month ago and it took about an hour all in to 
"clean" (including all the keytops!)

Simply leave to try somewhere for a couple of hours (ideal time to dust 
the PCB etc) then re-assemble.

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