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Date   : Tue, 15 Sep 2009 08:44:36 +0100
From   : info@... (Sprow)
Subject: Basic tape files to disc - quick and dirty method?

In article <F3355AD1FC7845E58A98CFFAA83FEF01@...>,
   Neil F <faz@...> wrote:
> like REPEAT, *TAPE, LOAD"", *DISC, SAVE"", UNTIL FALSE. Not sure how
> to handle the 'SAVE' bit as I wouldn't know the filename at that stage
> inside the loop and I'd like to keep the original titles.

Mostly what you already described, but you can't use LOAD and SAVE from
within BASIC and DFS can't accept null filenames as you point out.

1. Use OSFile A=255 to load. You'll probably want to force the load address
to somewhere above the DFS workspace and above PAGE.
2. This would update the control block with the actual filename, or you
could grub around at the top of page 2 in the MOS workspace on a BBC B.
3. Reuse the control block with OSFile A=0 to save,
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