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Date   : Wed, 16 Sep 2009 11:24:22 +0100
From   : dominic@... (Dominic Beesley)
Subject: No longer Mouldy Beebs

Hi Chris,

This is the chip just above the ROMs, to the right of th CPU/VIA. Mine are
marked (C)Acorn and what looks like a VLi symbol? (Picture at http://i743.photobucket.com/albums/xx75/dominicbeesley/vidproc.jpg)

No signs of heatsinks anywhere. 


-----Original Message-----
From: bbc-micro-bounces+dominic=brahms.demon.co.uk@...
On Behalf Of Chris Johns
Sent: 16 September 2009 10:46
To: 'BBC MailList'
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] No longer Mouldy Beebs

On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, Dominic Beesley wrote:

> I?ve so far managed to assemble one good machine from the four, 
> however after about an hour of games last night it packed in with what 
> I presume is overheating ? the video processor was hot and its back to 
> normal this morning, though it quickly got hot again. The symptoms 
> were random characters being sent to keyboard buffer and memory 
> corruption worsening to reboots going to a mode 7 screen full of 
> character &FFs. Is this a common problem?

One sort of video processor (the older type) needed a heatsink. I think it
was the Feranti ULA version - if you have one of these does it have the heatsink
and if it does it is stuck on with some thermal sticky stuff?
  Chris Johns <chris@...             >
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