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Date   : Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:55:28 +0200
From   : david@... (David Boddie)
Subject: Who owns.....

On Wed Sep 16 12:12:54 BST 2009, Joel Rowbottom wrote:

> --On 16 September 2009 12:49:15 +0200 Rick Murray <rick@...> wrote:
> > As a long lingering thought about the FileStore firmware, not to mention
> > other stuff, I was wondering:
> >    1. Does anybody know who actually now OWNS the rights to this? Would
> >       it be Castle? Would it be Pace? Was the 8 bit stuff just forgotten?
> I'll ask the Pace IPR guru when I next see them and find out.

Is there any chance you can find out what the situation is with the system
and BASIC ROMs for the 8-bit micros? I searched the archives for the list and
found the following message about this topic:


That thread ended inconclusively, though. :-/

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