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Date   : Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:47:10 +0100
From   : info@... (Sprow)
Subject: Sometimes I feel really stupid

In article <769DD982-2A21-47A5-BB3C-A8E49968B307@...>,
   <me@...> wrote:
> On 16 Sep 2009, at 14:56, samwise wrote:
> > CopyFiles?  I think Sprow has an updated version here:
> Well that [...] did work. :)
> It was particularly amusing when it kept asking me to switch disks and  
> press space, despite both filing systems being available all the time.

If the filing system is "Other" CopyFiles assumes you might need to change
disc, and hence you need to change back after the operation. It only knows

> > > How do you copy a file across filesystems? I've got access to a file  
> > > on LANMAN (Sprow's ethernet SMB filing system), and I want to copy it  
> > > to ADFS.

To copy one file across filing systems you want *MOVE (apparently this was
originally going to be *TRANSFER but the Teletext system already trapped
that command so the less obvious *MOVE got used)
 *MOVE -ADFS-FileName -LANMAN-FileName

the source and target names can differ. There is no multiple file across
filing system intrinsic command, you need CopyFiles or similar for that. For
multiple files within LanManFS you can use *COPY as detailed in the manual.

 *COPY WildCardedSource :Drive.TargetDir

in the same way ADFS does,
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