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Date   : Thu, 17 Sep 2009 07:01:56 +0100
From   : dllm@... (Dave Moore)
Subject: Who owns.....

> >> It's still Pace - it wasn't included in the Risc OS transfer,
> >
> > That's what I heard. I'd like to know if there has ever been a formal
> > statement about redistributing them. I've seen notices in various places
> > that say they are available for download to people who still own BBC
> > micros, but nothing directly from Pace.
> Dave Moore says he has agreement for something or other, although whether 
> that's in writing or not I don't know.

Naah, that's not really true.

I've had no contact with PACE myself and to my knowledge there was never any
kind of formal agreement in place.

When we spoke on Saturday, I was merely referring to the occasion when Thomas
Harte - author of the ElectrEm emulator - approached a PACE employee 7-or-so
years ago with regards to packaging the OS roms with his emulator (and was
given an 'off-the-record' reply).

Extract from T Harte post to ElectrEm mailing list
> To make this clear, the best I have had is unofficial communications
> with a PACE employee (current holders of the 8bit ACORN ROMs) who
> informed me that although the ROMs would never be made public domain,
> this was because there was no commercial interest in them whatsoever,
> and that he could not forsee any conceivable time when PACE would
> want to pursue their ownership.

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