Date : Fri, 18 Sep 2009 12:05:05 +0100
From : dllm@... (Dave Moore)
Subject: Upcoming Events: RISC OS London (Feltham) & RCM
(firstly, thanks to everyone on the list who came to Huddersfield - with the
exception of the odd X2 going pop(!) I don't think the Acorn portion of the
event could have ran any more smoothly. And we were of course *heavily*
reliant on the support of Mailing List members, who brought everything from
Beebs, spare monitors, Econet gear and even complete soldering stations! :) )
Anyway, here's a quick summary of two upcoming events where I've been able to
secure some space for BBC Micro-related fun and frolics:
1) RISC OS London Show
Feltham, Saturday 3rd October 2009
STH Forum Thread:
Estimated 8-bit Acorn presence: Medium
Ticket Price: ?5.00 on the door
A few weeks ago the organiser asked me if it would be possible to bring a
"subset" of Acorn World to the London show and the following exhibitors have
since been confirmed:
- Retro Clinic (CF-Flash IDE and USB on the BBC Micro)
- Music 5000 and M4000 Keyboard setup
- Retro Software (New games for the BBC Micro, Electron and Archimedes)
- 8-bit Gaming
[Atom w/ AtoMMC & Games, Electron w/ GoMMC & Games, BBC Micro w/MM-Beeb &
There is a possibility that I might be able to confirm one, possibly two more
exhibitors but space is extremely limited and there wouldn't be room for folks
to bring their own gear*. However, at least it would give some of the
southern-based members a chance to attend a meetup and get to know each
* = if people need another big fix of Econet bridging etc, then I would
2) RCM Retro Computer Museum Open Day
Leicestershire, Sunday 15th November 2009
STH Forum Thread:
8-bit Acorn presence: Medium
Ticket Price: ?4.50 in advance, ?6.50 on the door
Andy has very kindly offered us the same room we had at the May 31 event (go
here for pics:
<>) except
this time he's assigned us the whole room. The room isn't exactly massive BUT
as we'd have it all to ourselves, we'd be able to do pretty much what we
wanted (within reason!) i.e. stack machines/fileservers on top of each other,
under tables etc
In return, I'd want to reward Andy with a more than the 6-7 ticket sales we
managed to rack up back in May. After the last RCM quite a few people (that
didn't go) later told me that they were waiting to see how many others from
the Mailing List and/or forums expressed interest (i.e. not many) but after
seeing the pictures etc, wished they'd gone.
Now it's actually a little annoying to hear this type of thing ... if people
want an event to be a success, then they should just buy a ticket as others
will then follow suit. If everyone were to play a waiting game (i.e. to see
who else is going) then NO-ONE would come! ;)
So, hopefully there'll be a bit more interest than last time ... if there
hasn't been, say, 15 ticket sales from ML/STH members within the next month,
then I'll just hand half the room back.