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Date   : Fri, 18 Sep 2009 18:53:51 +0100
From   : rs423@... (Mick Champion)
Subject: Leccy @ Acorn World '09

Rick Murray wrote:
> Pete Turnbull wrote:
>> There's research to suggest that 120V is about the worst possible voltage.
> And NTSC is about the worst possible mainstream TV system.
I read somewhere is is nicknamed Never The Same Colour twice ;-)

>  God, look at those things they 
> call cars! :-)
My mate has an El Camino. It is great mini truck. Does a whole half mile 
to the gallon!

>> That's why building site supplies in this country are 55-0-55V and 
>> never 0-110V.
> I knew a bloke who blew up a professional power drill. He pinched it 
> from a building site, wired it to a 240V plug [*]. It wasn't long before 
> the smoke was hard to ignore...
Ah well. Ill gotten gains and all.

> * - it had a three-wire lead - black, blue, green/yellow, and a little 
> plate that said 115V. Wouldn't 55-0-55 imply more pins on the plug?
No extra pins needed. You have an output of 110v across the two supply 
pins with a centre tap on the secondary (output) winding going to the 
ground pin.. You end up with two alternating hot wires of 55 volts each 
when referenced to ground, not a conventional live and neutral.

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