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Date   : Fri, 25 Sep 2009 23:52:07 +0100
From   : jumbos.bazzar@... (Mark Haysman)
Subject: Do you believe this?


Yes, that's an A4000.

Now, some customer feedback regarding that seller....Keep your wallet in 
your pocket and drive right past. You'll notice they say "Fully Tested" on 
absolutely everything. They may test some things, but anything out of the 
ordinary and it's doubtful. I've baught some Beeb floppy drives from there, 
and one had an internal cable hanging off, and another with an NEC drive had 
the usual problem of the little metal sheild on the top head loose inside 
the case. Remember, "fully tested"!

They had a Challenger on there a while back which was described as a PC 
floppy drive. I mailed them and asked how much ram did it have 256K or 512K. 
They didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Definately "Fully tested"!

Go to their site and it looks like a breakers yard for Dysons. Junk 
everywhere. They're doing something right as they've got a lot of feedback, 
but for our sort of stuff, I personally wouldn't, unless it's for pennies, 
and you don't care about it's condition.


> Was browsing eBay looking for Acorn kit (though, I haven't found
> anything interesting enough to wonder how on earth cross-country
> cross-currency sales might work). I discovered a lot of "rare" and
> "vintage" Electrons. Goodness - I've got two stuck in a box someplace.
> How shameful! :-)
> Anyway, I saw this:
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Acorn-Computers-Main-Board-0194-600-ISS-1-RT-452-0659_W0QQitemZ350254445472QQ
> While the company contracted to get rid of the "PC" might be unwilling
> to offer much in the way of a description, especially if they are
> flogging off old motherboards, would it have killed them to have
> included the model number as written on the front of the machine?!?
> Mmmm... It's a combi-I/O which puts it A5000 or later. There's no
> edge-connected podule backplane or SIMM socket so it is pre-RiscPC era.
> The expansion looks a lot like the icky-ish A3000 style, and it's a
> single-chip machine (ARM/VIDC/MEMC on one chip; ARM250).
> Weird 15 way(ish?) connector in the middle there. I think that'll be the
> "tell". It's the non-standard Econet socket, right?
> I call this as an A4000 motherboard.
> Best wishes,
> Rick.
> -- 
> Rick Murray, eeePC901 & ADSL WiFI'd into it, all ETLAs!
> BBC B: DNFS, 2 x 5.25" floppies, EPROM prog, Acorn TTX
> E01S FileStore, A3000/A5000/RiscPC/various PCs/blahblah...
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