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Date   : Thu, 15 Oct 2009 23:53:46 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: New storage system suggestinons?

John Kortink wrote:
> >support, GoMMC won't give it. With GoMMC you transfer all floppies
> >to the GoMMC, and then effectively cease using floppies.
> If you're so inclined. But you can still use physical floppies
> (and harddiscs) in exactly the same way as before. And transfer
> their images directly to/from MMC-based floppies (and harddiscs)
> via the tools.
Yes, GoMMC is a replacement for floppies and hard drives, not a
replacement hard drive... if that makes sense ;)
John Kortink wrote:
> it's about functionality. I think most people could care less
> which type of storage device they stick into which hole or
> when it was invented, and considerably more about what they
> can do with the storage facilities once they do stick it in,
Exactly! Just buy whatever system best suits your requirements.
Rob wrote:
> Now everybody go take your Chill Out Pills, find a copy of Hobbit on
> tape, and go watch that Loading counter tick away for the rest of the
or even find a Hobbit tape drive ;)
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Sheffield Brightside
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