Date : Tue, 01 Dec 2009 03:13:45 +0000
From : kevin@... (Kevin Bracey)
Subject: Tube - I/O processor memory questions
Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> Why re-invent the wheel? Just use OSWORD &FF -
> (Give me a couple of days and I'll finish OswFFv2 which does
> sideways ROM/RAM)
Sweet - that's roughly the sort of thing I want to do. I'd be intending
to use the faster 256-byte transfer calls though, as I only ever need to
do 256-byte transfers (not even multiples of that). And I'd also need
the implementation to have a non-Tube case (where it would be used just
for SRAM->main RAM transfers, by code running from ROM).
One thing - surely the use of &70-&7F isn't legal - we've established it
belongs to the Tube code... Also, what's the point of the 900->2500
copy? In that form, couldn't you just as well run it at FFFF2500?
Hmm, just been trying to benchmark yours against OSWORD &42, and I
eventually realised that TIME wasn't going up - I think you need to
manually re-enable interrupts in the OSWORD handler for a slow call like
that (as well as for claiming the Tube).