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Date   : Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:05:12 +0100
From   : rick@... (Rick Murray)
Subject: New Retro Auction Website

Rich Mellor wrote:

> I note the comments about listing fees and  agree -  I will waive them 
> for the first 6 months and see how we go!

I was going to suggest you waive listing fees and charge a little extra 
on the final sale - to save the user being out of pocket for something 
that might not sell...

...but actually the prices don't look bad. And, I guess, a listing fee 
helps prevent people cluttering the site with rubbish.

As a question - are the postage rates fixed? Does this include 

A few things I noticed along the way:

   * Main page - the news banner (cool see-through, I like the effect)
     partially overlays the listing to its left.
   * Likewise, auction items are too wide. The "Buy now" is almost off
     the screen.
I am using an eeePC with 1024x600 display. What resolution was it 
designed for as it is just a little too big for 1024 width. This is with 
XP and Firefox 3.5.6 using normal display settings.

   * The Wiki inserts (maybe other stuff) appears to not be correctly
     escaping quotes - look at the Cambridge Z88 info, top line, where
     it says: after they sold the rights to \"Sinclair\" to Amstrad

   * The browser URL bar icon is a sort of weird 'e', like an
     out-of-focus diagram of a bit of a letter in Corpus font. It
     reminds me of something from a Cold War era spy movie. :-)
     Was this a library image? I'd have expected 'r' for Retro or
     's' for Sell...

   * Traders options on the About us page - the bullet points are
     backwards indented to they lie through the text border. Zero
     margin size specified?

   * While I'm no expert in French, I don't think you should say:
       Bout mis ? jour dessus : 02/09/2009
       ("dessus"? above?)
     This should be enough:
       Derni?re mise ? jour le 02/09/2009
     or, less:
       Mise ? jour le 02/09/2009
     [language: French, "About us" page]

   * Terms and conditions: "offer to sell offensive weapons"
     Surely the word "offensive" is a redundant word? What's an
     inoffensive weapon? The apparently-barely-hurts taser that
     the Genderames have been issuing to the rather cute younger
     female recruits? :-) Not that I wish to be in a position to
     find out if these mini-tasers are watered down versions of
     the American insanity...

Overall, the colour scheme is quite nice and the layout is functionally 
minimal. What's necessary is provided without crud or obfuscation. It's 
all pretty clear.

Mmmm... Retro video. No listings yet, but I think I'll bookmark it to 
keep my eyes open for a Betamax. I don't suppose you could include 
"spend a weekend with me via budget airline" as a postage option? Might 
work out quite a bit cheaper (and possibly safer!) than entrusting 
something of that bulk to the national parcel handling service. You know 
who I mean...

Anyway - good luck.

Best wishes,


Rick Murray, eeePC901 & ADSL WiFI'd into it, all ETLAs!
BBC B: DNFS, 2 x 5.25" floppies, EPROM prog, Acorn TTX
E01S FileStore, A3000/A5000/RiscPC/various PCs/blahblah...
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