Date : Sat, 20 Mar 2010 12:18:26 +0000 (GMT)
From : haroonnet2002@... (F. Haroon)
Subject: Beeb spotting
> You'd have thought the Beeb could afford to get a more up
> to date
> "library" picture, even if it means walking the the other
> side of
> Television Centre and taking a digital photo of a random
> weathergirl
> staring at the Beeb's own homepage on a non-name
> monitor...
The Beeb has something to do with 25th Anniversary so the .com domain was
born around that time. Don't forget that the BBC are not a public service
broadcaster any more, they are a political service propoganda broadcasting
service who are forcing us to go digital. They are the Gov't and so that's
why I think they don't want anything to do with their past.