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Date   : Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:52:29 -0000
From   : blip@... (John)
Subject: [OT] ADSL capabilities

Message-ID: <D9054AEEE73442CCB8C92592E177188D@...>

> In case anyone is wondering this is my area of expertise so I somewhat
despair at the > way there is so much misinformation on the internet about
the subject, so felt 
> compelled to respond, nothing personal against you John.

No offence taken Darren, in fact I think I've gained from the debate (which
is what everyone should in a good debate!)

Obviously I only heard part of the story, so correct as part of a whole, but
not technically correct in isolation - a bit like the description of the
horse ending up as an elephant. Or something. Whatever.

I'm not aware of any of my customers suffering from bell tinkle and the
advice from a certain large telecommunications company remains the same -
get a filtered faceplate, or have every device filtered.

I did suffer from a not-very-often tinkle on my old converted dial phone
which I kept for the ring (unfiltered). This was normally in the night so I
think BT probably test periodically (the line was good so not likely to be
intermittent). Interestingly it made not one jot of difference to my average
line speed.



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