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Date   : Tue, 23 Mar 2010 02:24:47 +0000
From   : mike@... (Mike Tomlinson)
Subject: Atoms are getting expensive

In article <1829300@...>, J. G. Harston <jgh@...> writes

>I really really really don't want to bin any of my spare Beeb kit
>when I move house later this year.

I really couldn't throw out all my Beeb stuff.  It's gone to a good
home.  The Spectrum plus lots of kit went to a chap in Ireland, but I
cannot get any interest in a ZX81.

(='.'=)  Bunny says Windows 7 is Vi$ta reloaded.
(")_(")  http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/windows_7.png
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