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Date   : Tue, 23 Mar 2010 18:48:25 +0000
From   : mike@... (Mike Tomlinson)
Subject: [OT] ADSL capabilities

In article <4BA8AFB4.2020703@...>, Jules Richardson
<jules.richardson99@...> writes

>I've got an old black 1940's GPO phone that I'd like to hook up sometime 

Very easy.  You need a cable with a BT plug at one end and spade
terminals on the other, as shown here:


They were very common 10-20 years ago, particularly when the new-style
socket was introduced in 1981 and people were converting their old
phones, but they seem hard to find now.

Your phone may use the same terminal numbering system as the one in the
photo above (I can't remember)  If not, if the phone still has its
original braided line cord connected, you want to connect the red and
white wires of the new line cord to the same terminals as the old line
Instructions on converting the various phones here:


Had a look at RS for the line cord (BT 431A plug to spade terminals)
but couldn't spot it.  Found an example with pic here, but wouldn't
recommend buying from Taiwan :o)


Also see:


Looks like you want "Cord 4/502"

(='.'=)  Bunny says Windows 7 is Vi$ta reloaded.
(")_(")  http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/windows_7.png
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