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Date   : Thu, 25 Mar 2010 10:02:37 +0000
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Four Beebs, One Monitor

On 25/03/2010, Rick Murray <rick@...> wrote:
> On 24/03/2010 19:06, Rob wrote:
>> http://forum.viewdata.org.uk/smf/index.php?topic=31.msg159#msg159
> Is there supposed to be a picture?




> Speaking of which:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/ahistoryoftheworld/objects/mWvJg15mRuOLEwrqZKVjBw

Yes, I've seen that- you should read my forum.  I'll raise your
Prestel badge and give you a Prestel paperclip!

> Just looking for Prestel on Google pics... Tandata TD1400. I had one of
> those. I think I called CCL4 (or whatever it is) with it. But, um...
> Actually I have _no_ idea what became of it.

ccl4 is still running!  The td1400 works but gives glitches all over
the screen on the number selection screen.  I've got a td1100 too,
which needs a lot more TLC before it's usable - shame, as it's got a
more comprehensive keyboard.

> Is it, you know, "good" to run the BBS on all those Beebs? Couldn't you
> convincingly fake it on one of the RISC OS machines and save a load of
> electricity?

Possibly.  Or one PC with lots of BeebEms ...  But it wouldn't be as
much fun! (or reliable..)

> Still, to hit the Big Switch and power up the lot. That must be a
> burrr-beep! symphony to warm any geek's heart.

lol yep.!  It's fun ...

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