Date : Sun, 04 Apr 2010 10:35:26 +0100
From : (Alex Taylor)
Subject: Fire up the Quattro!
On 3 April 2010 23:57, Rob <robert@...> wrote:
> On 03/04/2010, Phill Harvey-Smith <afra@...> wrote:
>> What ammuses me is when they have password dialogs, and the characters
>> type in the passowrd and it's in a 72 point font in PLAIN text !
> And I've never seen an application or website that, when you get the
> password wrong, flashes "ACCESS DENIED" in huge red letters! ?All the
> ones I use just prompt me again..
What about the computers in films the emit a constant stream of odd
beeping and screeching sounds in response to every single thing moving
on the screen - of which there are loads, as everything on-screen
zooms in and out, spins round and round and flies about (the CSI
Although in a BBC-related note, one of the few things I've done in
6502 assembler was like this. I'd bought an Electron Advanced User
Guide off a market stall in town, and had been playing about with
indirection vectors as a result of reading that part of the book. I
wrote a small program that hooked into OSWRCH and played a short beep
for each character printed, the pitch of which depended on the ASCII
value of the character. As well as the sound, it also produced a
movie-like effect in that it made the text appear quite slowly,
letter-by-letter on the screen.
Alex Taylor