Date : Sun, 04 Apr 2010 12:43:48 +0100
From : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Fire up the Quattro!
On 04/04/2010, Rick Murray <rick@...> wrote:
> How about "dFXq93s5ka$fP" for a password?
I especially like the way they hack passwords .. one character at a time!
> do in films - I bet plugging a SATA cable into a USB port, or
> running a SCSI harddisc from a serial port would "just work", no
> problem with interfaces, not even a need to find the right drivers!
Oh yes ... discretely plug a flash drive into a USB port, couple of
clicks of the mouse - if that - and it immediately backs up *just the
files you want* .. accompanied, of course, by a percentage countdown
on screen that you can't hide behind anything else, so you have to
distract the computer's owner while it completes..
And have you ever seena anybody make a typo and correct themselves?