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Date   : Sat, 10 Apr 2010 16:30:17 +0100
From   : acorn@... (Andy Ford)
Subject: -Hi- markwoobster@aol.com

Rick Murray wrote:
> You looked?!?!
> I think a page description like "fvnmngmrnemgnevw9433/uicf6p" with no 
> context or associated information or, uh, anything at all, is too big an 
> alarm bell. And who sticks an email address in the subject anyway?
> I hope you didn't look with a Windows box. Too many fruity security 
> holes to go following unknown links!
> Best wishes,
> Rick.
Oh, its OK (probably) , Sandboxed VPC :-)

No, I was more sort of commenting that it was the 'first' spam message 
I'd seen on this list really.

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