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Date   : Mon, 12 Apr 2010 14:51:18 +0100
From   : francis@... (Francis Devereux)
Subject: Lord of the Rings: Game One.. with graphics.

On 12 Apr 2010, at 04:42, Kieran Mockford wrote:

> After I posted about The Hobbit and the "Universal version" that I  
> created, the good master samwise made the following suggestion:
> >
> > On to the Lord of the Rings: Game One next?  :)
> >
> I took up the challenge, and the tale of getting the disc images to  
> me "over here" is almost as good a tale as the one of the ring- 
> bearer himself!
> Anyway, I may have taken things a bit far.. :)
> Following many hours of re-engineering of the original game code (it  
> gets live patched from the code in sideways ram, just as in The  
> Hobbit), and hacking of the MSDOS version of the game to get at its  
> location graphics; 83 of them (and re-colouring them because the CGA  
> colours were awful!)..
> The result is the "Universal disc, with graphics" version of: The  
> Lord Of the Rings: Game 1 for the BBC Micro:
> http://home.kindredintellect.com/beeb/Software/LordOfTheRings

Wow, good work!  I'll have to give that a go when I get home from work.

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