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Date   : Mon, 12 Apr 2010 20:40:44 -0500
From   : jules.richardson99@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Cambridge Co-Pro (32016) Diagnostic Disc

Mark Haysman wrote:
> Hi Folks.
> Does anyone have an image of the diagnostic disk for the 32016 Co-Pro? It's 
> mentioned in the ACW service manual on page 102, and has a memory diagnostic 
> program on that I could do with, as I've got one here that seems to have a 
> memory fault somewhere, and I don't fancy desoldering 32 ICs, unless it's a 
> last resort!!

Maybe... I've left myself a note to have a dig tomorrow.

Check your PSU rails, too; I know the 'large' boards tax the PSUs quite a bit 
and all sorts of odd things can happen if they're dropping too far under load, 
but one of the 'small' boards shouldn't pose much of a problem I would have 


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