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Date   : Tue, 13 Apr 2010 18:34:46 +0100
From   : rs423@... (Mick Champion)
Subject: -Hi- markwoobster@aol.com

On 13/04/2010 16:50, Rob wrote:
> On 13/04/2010, Rick Murray<rick@...>  wrote:
>> With the four different ones posted in one day, I added a filter to
>> Thunderbird, namely:
>>     If email = "markwoobster@..." then delete.
> Doing a search through my email, it appears he is a legit list member
> - he started a whole slew of reasonably relevant threads back in March
> last year, although he's contributed nothing since.
> It's possibly a virus that he has that is sending out emails to all
> his contacts, or someone's hacked his AOL email account, or something
> similar..
Hotmail email addresses have been harvested by SPAMmers over the last 
year (well it is Micro$haft so what do we expect!).  Perhaps AOL have 
the same problem? Anyway, I've emailed Mark( from an email address I can 
sacrifice) to let him know. Perhaps he's no longer a member of this list 
and won't have seen the posts in his name? I note his original posts 
regarding XFER and a dodgy keyboard came from AOL in Manassas & Sterling 
in Virginia USA. SPAM seems to have come from either the UK or 
Germany???.... Not too good a email headers. I'd ask Rick Murray off 
list, but seeing as he's already blocked mark.... Genuine posts came 
with the capital letters M & W as in MarkWoobster. SPAM is all lower case.


> Rob
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