Date : Sun, 20 Jun 2010 05:19:40 +0100
From : mike@... (Mike Tomlinson)
Subject: Tube 40 way cable
In article <513491FEB69EAE47A81E1B6158AAF3DF299508 at spitfire.Top-
Banana.local>, Andrew Livens <Andy@...> writes
> Anyone know if you can replace this with a longer length of cable
> without issues ?
I replaced mine with a home-made 1m cable with no issues, but then I
seemed to be lucky with my Beeb. Also had a very long extension cable
on a ROM socket. Must have been an RF nightmare :-)
> I?m presuming standard 40 way IDC stuff is OK too ?
Yeah, it's fine. Just take your time and be careful and patient with
the crimping (I assume you've going to use a vice). Make sure the plug
is square on to the cable - nothing looks worse than one that is
slightly skewiff.
(='.'=) Bunny's thinking about giving Windows 7
(")_(") a go despite what he's said about it...