Date : Tue, 06 Jul 2010 23:40:13 +0100
From : mlist@... (Steven Flintham)
Subject: Second processors and OSBYTE &84/85
Hi all. I am confused...
On 65Tube 1.20 (running emulation OS 0.64) with the built-in HIBASIC, I get:
>A%=&84:P. ~USR&FFF4
>A%=&85:X%=0:P. ~USR&FFF4
On BeebEm 4.10 in BBC B mode with a 65C02 second processor and BASIC II,
in screen mode 0:
>A%=&84:P. ~USR&FFF4
>A%=&85:X%=0:P. ~USR&FFF4
On BeebEm 4.10 in BBC B mode with a 65C02 second processor and HIBASIC
4.30, in screen mode 0:
>A%=&84:P. ~USR&FFF4
>A%=&85:X%=0:P. ~USR&FFF4
The New Advanced User Guide says the result of OSBYTE &84 is not the
equivalent of HIMEM in a second processor. The above suggests it is
though. Is it or not? And if it's not, how can I determine "the upper
bound of memory which I can use freely if I am running a machine code
program and don't care about BASIC"?
The BeebWiki page on OSWORD &84 says:
If b7 of A is clear, then A:Y:X holds the 23-bit address of the top of
user memory, as when running 6502Turbo code on a CoProcessor, which
returns A=&04, XY=&0000.
I assume this means that to be super-portable I should check A on exit.
(But the NAUG says OSBYTE always preserves A...) I also assume this
occurs only on a 65816 co-processor, and perhaps even then only if
access to >64K is enabled by some software switch. But I am by no means
confident about these assumptions.
The NAUG doesn't mention second processors in its description of OSBYTE
&85. The evidence above suggests it ignores the presence of a second
processor and answers the question for the host.
I had assumed the purpose of OSBYTE &85 was to allow a program to ask
"if I change to mode X, which areas of RAM will become screen memory, so
I can decide if doing so would be a bad idea, or so I can get my data
out of the way first". This doesn't seem to be the case if the program
is running in a second processor.
I thought "well-behaved" applications didn't need to care if they were
on a second processor or not. But given the behaviour above, how can I
answer the two questions:
- what's the upper bound on memory available to me right now?
- what will it be if I change to mode X?
in a way that will work with or without a second processor? Right now I
suspect the first step is to detect running on a second processor and
hard-code &B800 as the answer, otherwise use these OSBYTEs.
Any advice or clarification would be much appreciated...