Date : Sun, 08 Aug 2010 19:11:40 +0100
From : mike@... (Mike Tomlinson)
Subject: Why did Acorn ADFS only allow 640KB on a floppy?
In article <4C540F77.9090501@...>, Rick Murray <rick@...>
> The FileStore
>uses a 2973 - not sure how (in)flexible that is.
Pretty sure some third-party DDFSes for the Beeb used that. Opus DDOS
and Cumana QFS come to mind.
>We're getting to the age now where power supplies are
>starting to fail (caps), but rig up other sources of power...
Why? The PSUs are easy to fix. First step is to change the mains
filter cap and C9 (220u 35v), next to the hot switching transistor on
the primary side.