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Date   : Thu, 23 Sep 2010 00:39:39 +0100
From   : zeem.uk@... (Alex Taylor)
Subject: 32K Message

On 21 September 2010 22:59, Phill Harvey-Smith <afra@...>
> Matt Walker wrote:
>> Here's a thing, why does the 32K message appear at power on and hard reset,
>> but not after a soft reset?
> Possibly so you can tell if it was a hard /soft reset :) More likley it
> only does the ram check at a hard reset.
> Oh and my Model A only says 16K :) :) :)

Don't forget the Electron which displays a cute little Acorn symbol on
a hard reset!

At one time I worked out the codes to program that symbol as a UDG,
and then memorised them (in decimal). I've forgotten them now, which
greatly annoys me. I feel like working it out again just for the sake
of it, and I'd be able to memorise them again easily since I've done
so in the past and it would just be like digging up an old memory.

Much like I once worked out a sound envelope that sounded like a
burglar alarm, and memorised it. Since forgotten, it annoys me
immensely that I can't remember it any more.

Alex Taylor
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