Date : Thu, 04 Nov 2010 16:06:55 +0000
From : jgh@... (J.G.Harston)
Subject: Programming: Colour names in Sigsumeidsi
Farlie A wrote:
> This makes the basic set of colours (additive) :
> Black - sunulasi ( set of null accumulators) ,
> Red - ovra
> Blue - ovba
> Green - ovga
> Yellow - nulba
> Cyan - nulra
> Magenta - nulga
> 'Saturated' White - suovasi (set of overflowed accumlators)
Why isn't white ovraovgaovba ?
Why isn't yellow ovraovga ?
Why isn't yellow suovraga ? (set of overflowed red and green)
Why isn't black nulranulbanulga?
Some of the rules are unstated.
What name would colour &C08040 be? (&RRGGBB)
J.G.Harston - jgh@...