Date : Wed, 10 Nov 2010 16:45:59 -0000
From : mark@... (Mark Usher)
Subject: [OT] No wonder CompSci graduates are unemployed
> Does that sound right? Are/have there been any other related projects?
Also the Econet Ethernet router that Phil Blundell and I have been working
on. We haven't had much time the last 12 months to finish off the firmware
due to all our personal commitments. It is working to a large degree, just a
few problems with the RPC calls. I Can load and save to a fileserver on
Econet from a BeebEm running on Windows for example.
> I've always thought that the ultimate goal for bringing econet to the
> age would be to have two (or more) local econet networks at separate
> geographical locations and be able to bridge them over the internet over
> perhaps also connecting with a virtual econet LAN made up of distributed
> copies of BBC emulators. In theory, then, one could send messages
> between emulators and real beebs.
Phil also started implementing in the firmware a gateway function where two
could be used to connect to Econet networks via a LAN or WAN.
> How feasible is that? I assume it would require an econet/ethernet
> at both ends - what would the availablity of those be, these days? Is
> an ethernet card for a RISC OS machine troublesome?
More troublesome finding an Econet card for a RiscPC. As was mentioned on
the list only the other week, best bet is an A5000 as it takes the standard
Econet expansion card and can use a RISC PC Podule for the Ethernet,
otherwise you will need a mini podule card in an A4000.