Date : Thu, 18 Nov 2010 07:55:41 -0600
From : jules.richardson99@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: [OT] Who'da thought...
Mark Usher wrote:
> The price of convenience. Do you really want to spend time trying to fix
> things, or swap it out for something that works. It depends on your goal -
> understanding how it works, or just using it. Disposable culture started
> over 100 years ago with the razor and ball point pen. Are we bothered about
> the mess the ink makes, changing nibs or do you simply want to just write
> something down.
I think of that as different, though - with razors you typically just changed
part of it (blades or heads), not the whole thing. Same with pens - typically
an internal cartridge. *mostly* I think of the "throw the whole lot away"
solutions as being much later.
I don't care whether I fix something or not, I suppose - all I care about is
that *someone* does, rather than it going into a big hole in the ground. In a
way, I suppose, it's a bit like getting a loan car while your own vehicle is
fixed - the fix takes time, but there's no net loss of stuff. There was a time
when it was like that with computers, too (at least at the repair shop I
worked at - either loan, or swap parts out and fix them for use in subsequent
jobs) but those days are long gone because everything's so complicated and
undocumented now.