Date : Mon, 22 Nov 2010 15:18:27 +0000 (GMT)
From : info@... (Sprow)
Subject: Extracting / Encoding sprites
In article <AANLkTikt52mf_uS2LCoHpEaapxHX+ONz068+qYF5w+C6@...>,
James McGill <plexer@...> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a clever way of extracting sprites from a ROM? So
> far I've modified a 6502 disassembler to perform static analysis and
> mark code vs data segments, but I can't find a way to make any sense
> of the data segments. I'm treating each byte as a Mode 2 pixel.
There wasn't really a formalised sprite format in the beeb era, so not
really much to hunt for there. My suggestion would be
*LOAD ROMImage 3000
then just use the mark 1 eyeball technique - then you just need to figure
out which address it corresponds to by counting rows with the cursors and
multiplying by 640 (er, I think: 20 x 0.5 x 8 x 8). I can see some monsters
that way,