Date : Mon, 24 Jan 2011 17:49:01 +0000
From : samwise@... (samwise)
Subject: Retro Software release - Repton: The Lost Realms
Hi, all.
Just a note to say that our third Retro Software title, and our first
premium white label release, Repton: The Lost Realms, is now on sale.
We're making up and selling games in batches, and this latest one will
be the last for a while so do make sure you grab a copy, if you want
to avoid disappointment!
You'll find more details, screenshots and videos on the Repton: The
Lost Realms page, along with pricing and info on how to get a copy:
An SSD version for emulator users is available free to any purchasers
of the physical product.
This game was first mentioned on this list back in 2001:
Originally developed by Paras Sidapara in the 80s, the engine to this
complete, direct sequel to Repton 3 has been rewritten from the ground
up by the talented Tom Walker since we first uncovered and revealed it
back at Retro Fusion 2008 and the result is, frankly, in our opinion
the best Repton engine ever seen on the beeb.
We've recently announced yet more new retro beeb titles in
development, along with some more useful tools (e.g. BeebSpriter, a
BBC Micro Sprite Designer) and docs available free for use. The RS
forums are a great resource for Acorn development, and we're beginning
to build up a team of exceptionally helpful developers.
This year has also already seen us upload a game-in-a-month
downloadable freebie from R:TLR engine author Tom Walker, called Hard
Hat Harry. The game's deliberately limited in scope, and resembles a
single-screen platformer from 1983 - it's very engaging, certainly
worth every penny!
We hope you'll check out Repton: The Lost Realms and Hard Hat Harry
and consider placing an order to encourage all of our hobbyist
developers to stick through to the end of their projects.
Retro Software is wholly a not-for-profit organisation and the cover
price of each release is split between the cost of production,
royalties to the author and, if there's anything left, maybe we'll
start a fund for advertising Retro Software.
So there it is. Keep an eye on for
further titles in the future (including more freeware games, like the
stupendously addictive Hyper Viper which is due out shortly) - and,
please (can't stress this enough!), do leave us some feedback on this
title over at the RS forums:
Many thanks,
P.S. Retro Software definitely welcomes volunteers who'd like to get
their hands on early releases to do some beta playtesting ... plus, as
well as needing graphic artists, musicians etc. if anyone out there is
of the poster art persuasion, we have plenty of cover-art and poster
work to do as more of the projects get closer to completion. If you're
interested, head over to the forums and join in!