Date : Tue, 15 Feb 2011 22:34:27 +0000
From : rs423@... (Mick)
Subject: *UNPLUG on a BBC B
Hello all,
I've removed my 'Watford electronics shadow RAM' ROM from my model B as
I got fed up of it intercepting calls on CTRL-BREAK resulting in my
machine booting into Interword or Wordwise rather than Basic. Without
these word processor ROMs in place, I got 'Language?' Wherever I put the
shadow RAM ROM it in relation to Basic, interword. or wordwise. the
same result and it really got my goat in the end so I whipped it out.
I had previously kept in in there without the shadow RAM as it has some
useful commands ;
*ROMON '&'x (insert???), *ROMOFF' &'x (unplug) and *XROMS to switch in,
out or list ROMs.
Can anyone recommend a utility ROM that will allow me to regain these 3
utilities on my B? Perhaps there's any easy poke to do the same??
Thanks in advance,