Date : Tue, 06 May 2014 21:42:24 +0200
From : kortink@... (John Kortink)
Subject: 6502 second processor ROM disassembly
On Tue, 06 May 2014 20:21:41 +0100, "J.G.Harston" <jgh@...> wrote:
>I was going to say that the Tube Client 1.00 was originally used on the
>external CoPro with the BBC before OSWORD 14 had been implemented, but
>as you say, it does read 24 bytes to read the full RTC string, so
>somebody at Acorn must have spotted something.
>The three sole differences between v1.00 (in the external 6502 second
>processor) and v1.10 (in the internal "6502 CoProcessor") is:
>1) The title string
>2) The help string
>3) OSWORD 5 sends a 4-byte address instead of a 2-byte address to read
>I/O memory, so it can read (potentially) the full range of I/O memory,
>eg &FFFExxxx for shadow screen memory, etc.
Except that the external version you're talking about is 1.10,
not 1.00.
I.e. the internal one is simply a port of 1.10, from B to Master.
Not a new OS version.
John Kortink
Email : kortink@...
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