Date : Tue, 23 Feb 2016 11:58:28 +0100
From : kortink@... (John Kortink)
Subject: 32016 Second Processor on DE0 Nano
On Tue, 23 Feb 2016 08:00:43 +0000, Daniel Jameson <djameson@...> wrote:
>Great work John, thanks for releasing this. I've got it working happily
>with IDE ADFS but has anyone tried an econet install? I can't get it to
>play ball, it frequently complains of files not being found or already
>existing when copying across, even trying to do it manually. The same disks
>worked for the ADFS install so I don't think the issue is with the source.
I wouldn't know, I never ever played around with Econet.
>Only other datatpoint that might be relevant, I do have nIRQ disconnected
>on my tube silencer as I wasn't comfortable about feeding 5V into the fpga.
>Could that be the issue?
I don't see how that could, in any way, be related to the symptoms
you describe.
John Kortink
Email : kortink@...
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