Date : Tue, 31 Jan 2017 15:24:49 +0100
From : kortink@... (John Kortink)
Subject: Pi-based second processor - fast, flexible,
On Tue, 31 Jan 2017 13:18:39 +0000, Ed Spittles <percy.p.person@...>
>The project home page is
>The Pi can run as a 6502 model running at 3MHz or 274MHz equivalent, a Z80
>at 60MHz, an 80286, a 6809, an ARM2 (at about 9MHz equivalent), a 32016, or
>a gigahertz ARM7. You can choose which one it boots as, or switch using a
>*FX command.
It's an interesting project for sure, and a lot of work.
I'm curious however. How was the 274 MHz figure achieved and
calculated ? I can't find any satisfactory explanation for it
on the web page you point to. It seems rather high for a mere
simulation running on a 1 GHz processor, more so since the
Z80 then seems to lag way behind at 60 MHz.
Just curious.
John Kortink