Date : Mon, 02 Jul 2018 13:43:22 +0000
From : nicolagiacobbe@... (nicola giacobbe)
Subject: Announce: Brandy Basic - with teletext?!
Seems interesting. I for sure will give a look but is there anyone that
could shed more details about the missing flashing colours in Brandy? I
have never used it too much so I did not notices there were no flashing
colours: is it too computationally intensive (like having to redraw the
whole screen @ 2Hz) or is a compatibility issue?
On 02/07/18 14:21, Michael McConnell wrote:
> It was interesting trying to get the Hold Graphics code to work
> correctly, as two different BBC emulators (BeebEm and jsbeeb) gave me
> different results, so I gave up on that and used RISC OS's emulation as
> a guide to how things should render - and I now get the correct output
> from the Ceefax engineering test page.
> I've put it up at