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Date   : Thu, 05 Mar 2020 16:22:49 +0100
From   : kortink@... (John Kortink)
Subject: Metrotel-IPT

On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:53:27 -0000, lug@... wrote:

>Very quiet.   Sorry I can?t help with this particular question but it does
beg the question: how many people are still following this list?   If not
? where?s everyone talking about BBC stuff (sth forums still?)

Stardot and the Facebook group are probably the most active forums
these days. And there are a number of objective and truly knowledgable
people there.

But beware that they are also full of wannabees, and several cliques
that have never outgrown their 12-year-old-in-a-schoolyard behaviour,
including the moderators.

So take what you read there with a big grain of salt.

This mailing list used to be a lot better. But it's gone quiet because,
well, mailing lists are pass?.

Good luck.

John Kortink
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