Date : Mon, 27 Apr 2020 13:46:29 +0100
From : ats@... (Adam Sampson)
Subject: Rescuing cassette tapes
"Rob Malpass" <lug@...> writes:
> What I?d really like is some sort of reel to reel device which plays
> standard cassettes which allowed me to easily fix (by cracking the
> tape open and just taking the spools) any problems.
I digitised all the tapes I had a few years ago. For cassettes where the
shell had warped/cracked or the pressure pad had disintegrated, I moved
the spools into a good-quality screwed-together blank cassette shell, by
sliding the spools out of the old shell onto a piece of card.
As Michael suggested, I'd always wind a tape from end to end before
playing so it's packed evenly on the spools. If you have a dodgy tape, a
decent hifi tape deck (with fresh drive belts) will give you better
results and less risk of damage to the tape than a cheap mechanical
Adam Sampson <ats@... > <>