Date : Thu, 30 Jul 2020 17:36:28 +0100
From : GroverR@... (Rod at Orpheusmail)
Subject: Beeb stuff looking for a new home
In article <20200726135212.190a06be@...>,
Andrew Benham <adsb@...> wrote:
> The time has finally come...
> I've a Master 128 with twin 5.25" disk drives and a Microvitec monitor, but
> I guess everyone has those. So maybe there's some interest in the add-ons.
> o Master 512 co-processor
> o 6502 second processor (i.e. the cheese wedge)
> o Vine Micro's ROM overlay board (so you can replace the ROM
> images built in to the system ROM).
> o Technomatic EpromRyter
> o Hard disk system (20MB hard disk, Adaptec board, BBC host
> adaptor, all in a case).
> I also have another hard disk system, mostly for spares.
> I also have an Adaptec board (ACB4000), and a Xebec board
> which I used before getting an Adaptec.
> All are located in the North London/South Herts area, about 10 minutes from
> J24 of the M25, or 5 minutes walk from a tube station.
Hi Andrew,
I would be interested in the 6502 second processor and the hard disc system.
Depends on what you are asking for them, though.
I live up the A10 on the edge of Royston, so it's not far.
Kind regards,
Rod Grover
Rod Grover