Date : Mon, 07 Feb 1983 15:08:00 cst
From :
Subject: hexifier
A few weeks ago, I sent a message to this list (was it info-micro,
info-cpm, or both?) asking if anyone had a high order language
implementation of a program which would take a CP/M .COM file and
convert it into Intel .HEX format. I have received several replies both
privately and to the list. Thanks for the info on the software that
runs under CP/M or MP/M, but I want to run on a big timeshare system
that doesn't run 8080 object.
I received a message from "dudley at NADC" who has some
not-quite-complete-but-pretty-close C source code. I also received a
message from "reece at NADC" asking me to let him/her know what I found
out. My mailer can't get through to either party.
I also received an offer of source from "decvax!genradbolton!rick", but
I guess I can't figure out how to send to there, either, because my
mailer choked on that one, too.
My thanks for the offers of HOL implementation source. Yes, I am still
interested. My address is:
Ronald Heiby MN17-3649
Honeywell, Inc.
P.O. Box 312
Minneapolis, MN 55440
(612) 378-4529