Date : Sat, 12 Mar 1983 03:47:00 EST
From : Jerry E. Pournelle <>
Subject: Publik Key Encryption
I have a Public Key "Trapdoor" crypto system that works fine on
a Z-80 micro.
At least it seems to work fine -- I have no way to know how
secure the code generated really is.
For those interested: the public key (mine) is under
MC:POURNE;PUBLIC kEY and two messages encrypted with it are
MC:POURNE;SECRET MSG (37 words) and
I'll buy dinner for the first person to tell me the
secret message (not the vita which is obtainable). I'd be
intrested in just how secure this stuff is, and what resources
are needed to break it (if it can be done).
JERRY Pournelle
(In about 3 months the public key and secret message
will appear in BYTE, but one presumes that by then someone will
have cracked it if it is crackable..