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Date   : Sat, 12 Mar 1983 1248-:00EST
From   : J. Eliot B. Moss <EBM@mit-xx.arpa>
Subject: Hard disks

I don't know if this is news to most people, but I recently found that
one can set up 5 Mb of hard on an S-100 system for about $1000.  $500
for a Morrow Designs controller board (standard Seagate Tech. ST-506
interface, controls up to 4 drives) and $495 for a Western Dynex Corp.
5 Mb REMOVABLE CARTRIDGE drive, advertised in a recent BYTE.  I called
California Digital and they have the Morrow board in stock at $495; the
Western Dynex people said I could buy two of the 5 Mb drives at $495
each (it is the OEM discount price) and the cartridges are $50 a piece.
I also saw a recent ad for a 67 Mb (unformatted) drive for $1500.  So,
5 Mb removable for $1K, 60 Mb non-removable for $2K, including controller.
I think the board comes with sample BIOS code, too.
PS - I may be buying one or both of these in the near future.
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