Date : Sat, 16 Apr 1983 02:01:00 EST
From : Richard P. Wilkes <RICK@mit-mc>
Subject: MODEM Source (Z80)
For the past few months, I have been trying to locate public
domain source for the MODEM protocol in Z80, preferably one
that includes CRC's. I am trying to integrate the protocol
into the upload/download part of a bulletin board system
running on TRaSh-80 models I/III.
I need the source to be able to apply the necessary front-end
and eliminate the unnecessary terminal-type commands. I need
the Z80 flavor since I don't have an 8080 assembler.
If you know of anyone that has the source or know someone that
I might contact, I would *REALLY* appreciate the help. If I
have to program it myself, it won't get done, which would be
too bad since this board is going to be widely distributed.
I can be contact at the above netaddr for those with arpa
access or zza_a116.jhu at UDEL-RELAY for CSNet. Also, PO Box
1577, Baltimore MD 21203. I'll repay postage/disk for anyone
who sends me the source.
Thanks -Rick Wilkes